
Showing items tagged ai. Show All

Test Drive New Blackboard Faculty AI Course Design Tools

Discover how AI can support your course design process

The U.S. Distance Learning Association (USDLA)'s National Distance Learning Week focuses on how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts education and training.  Instructional Technology invites...

Posted: November 10, 2023, 8:24 AM

AI and Accessible Images for Inclusive Courses

National Distance Learning Week 2023

Providing accessible images is a crucial step to ensure inclusivity and equal access to learning. When images are properly described, students using screen readers are able to access an equitable...

Posted: November 8, 2023, 6:46 AM

Sorting & submission enhancements for Ultra gradebook in Nov

Search & use stock images in Ultra docs, discussions, etc.

Continued enhancements to the Ultra gradebook provide greater flexibility and usability. In the November update to Ultra courses, additional sorting controls allow instructors to sort grade...

Posted: October 23, 2023, 12:56 PM

DoIT's Tom Penniston Presents Paper at Copenhagen Conference

Sharing UMBC's Story Globally

DoIT's Coordinator of Learning Analytics, Tom Penniston, recently presented his paper (UMBC login req'd), Toward a New Paradigm: Learning Analytics 2.0, at the 25th International Conference on...

Posted: September 15, 2023, 8:27 AM

Improved course management tools for Ultra in September

Preview new AI course design assistant tools also coming

As the fall semester starts, the next update for Ultra courses brings improvements to the course management tools and a new stock image resource for course banners. Additionally, faculty will also...

Posted: August 31, 2023, 1:37 PM