
Ultra Tests Gain Hot Spot Questions & Pagination in November

New reports for course activity and student performance

Ultra assessments gain two new features in the November update including hot spot questions and pagination. Hot spot questions allow instructors to assess a student's knowledge of visual content,...

Posted: November 3, 2022, 8:22 AM

2022-23 Learning Analytics Mini Grant Recipients Announced

$2k professional development awards renewable annually

To encourage, identify, and exchange effective practice in the use of data to inform teaching and learning, the Provost's Office has once again awarded learning analytics mini grants to three...

Posted: October 21, 2022, 3:40 PM

National Distance Learning Week 2022 Lunchtime Series

Nov 7-11, 2022: Candid Conversations About Online Learning

According to the latest EDUCAUSE students and technology survey, the number of students who prefer some form of online learning increased more than three times between pre-pandemic and...

Posted: October 14, 2022, 9:59 AM

Students' Interest Shifts Toward Hybrid and Online Learning

Key Findings: Modality Preferences and Access Demands

Based on a national survey of undergraduates and IT, 18% of UMBC respondents stated a preference for courses that are mostly to fully online (compared to 33% nationally). That preference for...

Posted: October 13, 2022, 3:45 PM

Track student engagement with Ultra content in October

Improved auto-save for student assessments

In the October update, scheduled for this week, instructors who teach in Ultra courses will be able to track and view student engagement with course content. Tracking how, when, and what students...

Posted: October 4, 2022, 12:50 PM