
Sign Up for Free Training on Respondus Tools in February

LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor

Respondus is offering free training webinars on the following tools: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.See the dates, times and descriptions for each event below: Instructor...

Posted: February 3, 2020, 10:40 AM

Advancing Student Success with Open Educational Resources

Supporting the UMBC Mission and Vision

Using Open Educational Resources (OER) is not just about inexpensive textbook alternatives, it is about advancing student retention, grades, and graduation rates. Given UMBC’s Mission and Vision...

Posted: January 22, 2020, 9:23 AM

Moving from “What is that?" to Data-Informed Practice

A Faculty Member Shares Her Experience Using REX

For all those interested in data-driven decision making, there is a rich trove of data available to research thanks to the data warehouse Reports Exchange (REX). Although all faculty have had...

Posted: January 14, 2020, 10:18 AM

Google Assignments and File Embed Available for Bb Courses

Use Google's Rich Editor to Provide Student Feedback

In January 2018, Box discontinued Crocodoc in favor of the Box inline grading tool. The goal of this transition was to provide a similar and simpler experience users know from the traditional Box...

Posted: January 8, 2020, 11:32 AM

Urgent TurningPoint Update for Instructors effective 12/23

ACTION REQUIRED: Transitioning to TurningPoint 8

Turning Technologies is discontinuing their product TurningPoint Cloud for the release of their newest software TurningPoint 8.  Starting December 23, 2019, UMBC will transition to...

Posted: December 19, 2019, 1:31 PM