Thank You For Making TechFest a Great Success!
On Wednesday, March 9, from 11:30am - 1:30pm, DoIT’s Instructional Technology team sponsored Techfest in the University Center (rooms UC 310, UC 312, and the UC Lounge) to bring the campus community together and present ways that technology can both support and improve the efficiency of day-to-day activities.
Students, faculty, and staff were all welcome and encouraged to attend. The event was a huge success, and we'd like to thank everyone who participated.
We'd especially like to thank all of the vendors who both donated raffle items and attended the event. All raffle winners have been contacted; congratulations to those of you who won items ranging from $20 Starbucks gift cards to headphones and webcams.
We can't thank all of our workshop presenters enough; their willingness to share their knowledge with our community is greatly appreciated. Our workshop presenters were as follows:
Caroline Bodnar, Career Center
Brad Boyle, DoIT
Lin DasSarma, DoIT Student Worker
Emily Duan, DoIT Student Worker
Mariann Hawken, DoIT
Kate Phelps, Career Center
Ken Schreihofer, Student Affairs
Jack Suess, UMBC CIO
Collin Sullivan, DoIT Student Worker
Finally, we want to thank the student worker on our Instructional Technology team, Collin Sullivan, for spearheading the planning and implementation of TechFest, and we look forward to bringing you another TechFest event in the future!
Posted: March 10, 2016, 10:08 PM