13 Steps to Get Your Blackboard Course Ready
Checklist to optimize your course before the semester starts
Prepare your Blackboard course shell for the new semester with our baker’s dozen checklist.
1. Review new tools & features in Blackboard.
Our Blackboard site is upgrade twice a year so check out the new features and updates. We are now using a new system theme to better support mobile devices and screen readers.
2. Copy your course content from a previous semester.
Bypass the long wait and digital file transfers required for export and import. Use course copy -- it’s faster and more convenient.
TIP: Request a master course shell for ongoing content development and maintenance.
3. Check course links for broken or missing content.
If you use a lot of external links, check the validity of those resources. This tool will also let you verify permissions on course files copied from other courses.
4. Upload multimedia files & large files to UMBC Box or Google Drive.
Update course content with new resources, but put the big stuff in the cloud. Your Blackboard course will thank you for a streamlined delivery.
5. Update due dates, adaptive release dates, availability, etc.
Use the Date Management tool to modify nearly everything with a date in your course whether availability or adaptive release. (Collaborate sessions and publisher content are not supported by this tool.)
6. Evaluate & configure Qwickly Attendance for your course.
Check out the optional attendance tools for student self check-in or instructor tracking.
7. Set up the grade center.
Students benefit from knowing how they’re doing in your course throughout the semester. If your course uses a weighted grading system to calculate the final grade, set up your grade center as soon as possible.
8. Enable discussion board notifications.
Encourage students to subscribe to the discussion forum to keep updated on important threads and stay engaged with participation requirements.
9. Set up Bb Collaborate Ultra sessions.
Prepare for snow days, virtual office hours, and tutoring, or provide students with a virtual place to meet, prepare, and deliver team presentations.
10. Record an orientation video screencast & request closed captioning.
Invite students to explore the course with a course tour and orientation video. Let students know what to do first before classes start and where to find important content.
TIP: Collaborate Ultra is a great alternative to screencasting software. Be sure to request captioning for accessibility!
11. Post a welcome announcement.
No matter what format you teach, create an online introduction to create a sense of connection and build community in your course.
12. Set your course availability.
Use one of three methods to turn your course on for students.
13. Download the Bb Instructor mobile app.
Keep up with your course on the go with Blackboard’s mobile app. Post announcements, engage in discussions, and deliver virtual sessions in Collaborate.
Do you have a tip to share with other faculty? Please comment in this post and let us know!
As always, if you have any questions, please consider the following options:
Follow the Instructional Technology & DoIT myUMBC groups
Posted: January 16, 2018, 2:26 PM