USM OnTrack: New Resources on How to Use Labster Available!
Recommendations for enhancing traditionally taught courses
USM OnTrack is continuing to support adoption of Labster for online courses.
Please see below recommended resources for enhancing traditionally taught courses with Labster below:
- A teacher’s introduction to the flipped classroom
- Blended learning: What is it and why should you try it?
- How to use blended learning in your classroom
- Simulations in learning: Bridging theory and practice
- 5 lessons that will prepare your students for real lab work
- My Labster Experience: Kambiz Hamadani, California State University
- Webinar: Flipped teaching
- My Labster Experience: Caroline Smith, University of Westminster
- My Labster Experience: Ana Barral, National University
Visit this site to learn more about adopting Labster for your courses:
Posted: September 8, 2020, 7:06 PM