
Instructional Technology staff help faculty solve pedagogical problems or create new learning opportunities through efficient, effective use and support of technology. Tools and services we support include:

We also support blended and online course design and offer workshops and consultations. Professional development services are also available to academic and administrative departments. For additional support, please see the Technology Support Center.

What’s New

FA2019 Courses Created in Blackboard on July 28, 2019

Blackboard course shells for FA2019 were created on July 28, 2019. The Ultra Course Preview setting is again enabled in FA2019 courses to allow faculty adoption during the phased roll-out of...

Posted: July 30, 2019, 11:19 AM

Access to UMBC Google Drive Comes to Ultra in July

Learn what’s coming to Ultra & Collaborate next month

This month’s update to Blackboard will provide access to UMBC’s Google Drive. Faculty, staff, and students will be able to view their Google cloud storage from their Ultra courses, user profile,...

Posted: July 3, 2019, 12:30 PM

Panopto Users: Please Install 6.0 Recorder

Mandatory Client Upgrade

As announced in April, please be sure to upgrade to the Panopto 6.0 recorder by July 18. You can download the recorder directly from our instance of Panopto. Please Note Panopto for Windows...

Posted: June 25, 2019, 9:27 AM