
Instructional Technology staff help faculty solve pedagogical problems or create new learning opportunities through efficient, effective use and support of technology. Tools and services we support include:

We also support blended and online course design and offer workshops and consultations. Professional development services are also available to academic and administrative departments. For additional support, please see the Technology Support Center.

What’s New

New Media Studio Moves to ENGR 023

Temporary relocation due to Sherman Hall renovation

Over the summer, DoIT's New Media Studio relocated from Sherman 204 to Engineering 023, just three doors down from DoIT's AV Services. "I've already seen more DoIT colleagues in the past few...

Posted: October 16, 2023, 11:03 AM

October brings delegated grading to Ultra courses

Gradebook reminders, SafeAssign Direct Submit & more

The October update to Ultra brings a new grading workflow to large Ultra courses, allowing instructors to distribute grading for an assessment to multiple graders. Instructors can assign graders...

Posted: October 3, 2023, 11:27 AM

18 UMBC Courses Now Meet Quality Matters Certification

Four more faculty satisfy rigorous peer review process

Four additional faculty have earned Quality Matters (QM) certification of their online or hybrid courses during the Spring and Summer 2023 semesters following peer reviews as part of the Quality...

Posted: October 2, 2023, 2:28 PM