Track Attendance in Poll Everywhere (Beta Release)
New Check-In Feature Does Not Store Student Location Data
Poll Everywhere recently launched a new Attendance Management tool, which is available to users with a presenter role in Poll Everywhere. Using geolocation, Attendance Management allows instructors to track in-person attendance when students check-in and respond to polling activities. This feature is part of a beta release for the Spring 2024 term; Instructional Technology will gather feedback from instructors and students using Attendance Management during this period.
Join Instructional Technology on February 26th for our upcoming Explore Poll Everywhere Attendance Management Tool webinar. We will demo the Attendance Management tool and other Poll Everywhere settings to support academic integrity.
Enable Attendance Management
Instructors may access and enable Attendance Management from the My Activities panel or their Poll Everywhere profile settings. Up to 10 geofence locations may be added to an instructor's profile to match their teaching locations.
Image 1. Access Attendance Management from the profile and add check-in locations.
Student Check-In & Location Data
When geolocation is enabled, Poll Everywhere will prompt students to check-in before they may respond to polling activities. If geolocation is enabled and a student does not check in to the physical location check-in point, their responses will still be recorded for participation, but they will not receive credit for attendance. Students who check-in successfully and respond to polling activities will receive credit for both attendance and participation.
Image 2: Student view of check-in prompt.
Student location data is not stored by Poll Everywhere and instructors are not able to see student location data, other than to view a "checked-in" or "not checked-in" status. Additional information about student and instructor privacy is available in the Poll Everywhere Attendance Management privacy statement and privacy policy.
Poll Everywhere Resources
For Attendance Management resources, please see our FAQ articles:
- How do I manage Attendance with Poll Everywhere? (instructors)
- How do I check in for Attendance with Poll Everywhere? (students)
For additional Poll Everywhere information, please see our Poll Everywhere FAQ collections:
Connect with Instructional Technology
As always, if you have any questions about teaching, learning, and technology at UMBC, please consider the following options:
Thumbnail: Poll Everywhere Logo
Posted: February 5, 2024, 12:53 PM