Instructional materials play a significant role in contributing to the achievement of course learning objectives.
Choose and use instructional materials that are directly connected to the learning objectives or competencies. Explain to learners how the materials help them complete course activities or assessments and achieve the stated learning objectives or competencies.
Types of instructional materials may include the following:
- Articles
- Expert lectures
- Images and diagrams
- Instructor-created materials
- Interactive content (such as simulations)
- Library course reserves
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Publisher materials
- Slide presentations
- Textbooks
- Videos
- Websites
Helpful questions to ask as you consider instructional materials:
- Do the instructional materials represent up-to-date theory and practice in the discipline?
- Have you selected a variety of instructional materials to use in the course so learners have options for how they consume the content, e.g., reading, viewing, or listening?
- It is clearly explained to learners how the materials and learning activities are used in the course?
- Are any optional instructional materials labeled as “optional” and is their relevance to learning activities clear?
- Do you model academic integrity by providing both the source reference and permissions for use of the materials?