A wide range of technologies and resources are available to faculty at UMBC to support teaching and learning in various online or hybrid modes in synchronization with Blackboard. Trends and tools evolve quickly, and DoIT recognizes faculty interest in exploring or using these newer technologies.
Consider which tools can enhance the learning experience for students and support the achievement of course learning objectives.
Examples of tools may include publisher materials, blogs, discussion boards, assignment and quiz tools, games, whiteboards, simulations, and tools such as Poll Everywhere, Panopto, VoiceThread, Collaborate or Webex, and others.
Helpful questions to ask as you consider available technologies:
- Do the technology tools support the achievement of course learning objectives or competencies?
- Is it clearly explained to learners how the technology tools are used in the course?
- Do course tools promote learner engagement and active learning?
- Have you selected a variety of technology tools to use in the course?
- Are the technology tools supported by UMBC?