Using AI to Create, Assess & Align Multiple Choice Questions
Can AI help align assessments to Bloom's Taxonomy?
Engineering : 025
Date & Time
October 3, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
- Webex Recording (started at slide #8, UMBC login req'd)
- Presentation Slides
- Anonymous Feedback Form
In this presentation two UMBC faculty, Karen Chen (IS) and Fow-Sen Choa(CS/EE) as well as Kevin Hwang and Kenneth Wang, two Senior students from Glenelg High School in Howard County, MD, will share lessons learned from their joint paper on using AI to generate multiple choice questions. In particular, they will share findings on how well AI aligns auto-generated questions to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning, and discuss the implications for both faculty and students for supporting students’ own development as self-regulated learners
Note: This will be a hybrid event with lunch provided for registered participants (17 max). As such, the seat limit only applies to in-person attendees. A virtual meeting link will be sent to all registered participants.
Thumbnail image (decorative) created by Microsoft Copilot, prompted by DoIT's John Fritz.