Principles & Practices for Using Visuals in Course Design
A joint webinar from CourseArc and Quality Matters
Principles & Practices for Using Visuals in Course Design – Online Event
Date & Time
November 10, 2021, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
The goal of any course is to engage learners and to help them succeed. One way to enhance a course is through its design elements. Learn how the Quality Matters Bridge to Quality Guide will help improve your course design process by focusing on the student experience.
Presenters from CourseArc and Quality Matters will discuss how visual design can enhance online learning with an overview of basic graphic design principles and components. Participants will receive a downloadable resource guide.
About CourseArc
CourseArc is a digital content creation tool that enables easy creation of engaging, interactive, and accessible hybrid / online courses. Content can be integrated into any Blackboard course, whether Original or Ultra, and maintains across multiple shells and terms for consistency in curriculum delivery.
About Quality Matters
The Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric (6th edition) is a set of 8 General Standards and 42 Specific Review Standards used to evaluate the design of online and blended courses. QM Standards are research-supported and based on published best practices. Faculty may download the Rubric from UMBC Box (login required).